Why Donate? The answer is quite easy……...and not so much....
About Us and Why. First and foremost, we believe in being a status-quo disrupter! We believe people need choices in their life for their family. Here is a response from one of our JV Partners “Richard, thank you very much for providing me with all the info, seems like a really cool idea you have come up with! What would you need from our end? The Vincero Team.” Just part of the story of About us and why.
First Mate Lori at the helm
Richard & Lori Chassé
After resigning my collegiate career as Department Head of Medical Microbiology & Special Chemistries, I became an entrepreneur for the first time. I jumped in head first and budgeted all I had saved from years at my job. I was told "are you crazy?" "Are you nuts?" "Giving up a good job!" "Using up your savings!" by everyone except my parents who paid for my 6-years of education to get a Masters in Laboratory Medicine.
They encouraged me to go after my dreams ....
..... So I did.
I took a hobby and opened a retail store and we made it. Beat the odds (there is a bigger story here of trial, error, and time). I was free from having a boss (so I thought). I knew nothing about business or marketing, timing, yet I was a sponge to learn. 20-years later I sold to my employees and walked away with a successful exit and a chunk of change in the bank.
After Westchester College, moved to Maine with her family and became a homesteader. Then took a position in sales that required her to learn her new area in Maine on the coast. Eventually purchased a bankrupt company and turned it into a very successful business. Lori also sold her interests after 20 years and we both said……
-- Now what ?? --
Kids were gone pursuing their dreams. So we sold our home in Maine. Sold our boat and everything attached to this. Our boating season was over....and I was OK with that....25 years + on my own sailing oceans and 35+ years with my mom and dad on the family 60’ powerboat. "To everything, here is a season."
A new adventure season, I thought, and moved to Arizona. Something my bride said about "living where water doesn't freeze."
We dove into Real Estate so we could work from home, yet the franchise provided professional office space for clients and tons of training. One must always be willing to educate oneself and learn and we were a sponge to learn all we could (there is a pattern here).
I took on the online and local marketing. My bride did meetups with locals that were from Maine ... a natural connection. We did well. Teamwork.
Then my girl got sick.... REAL SICK !!
Lori needed a liver transplant ASAP. Moved to Florida and Mayo Clinic. Transplant successful in 2018. Next year, cancer tumor on the new liver. Transplant resection to remove tumor from the new liver was successful, 2019. Lori recovered both times and is now going to the gym with me 3 x a week. God Is So Good !!
While still in Arizona, seemingly out-of-the-blue, God gave me a revelation, His Vision (I mean it was like an actual 10-minute download that seemed like hours), a calling that I would be granted my former dream, yet instead of just fun, it would be for His glory and the Kingdom. The actual words in the encounter I heard were these:
1. I AM going to give you your dream
2. You will respect your brother, Joseph.
3. You will help build My Kingdom.
4. You will do this for the Glory of My Father, your Father, YAHWEH!
Let me backup a bit... ..............actually way back.
After resigning my collegiate career as Department Head of Medical Microbiology & Special Chemistries, I became an entrepreneur for the first time. I jumped in head first and budgeted all I had saved from years at my job. I was told "are you crazy?" "Are you nuts?" "Giving up a good job!" "Using up your savings!" by everyone except my parents who paid for my 6-years of education to get a Masters in Laboratory Medicine.
They encouraged me to go after my dreams ....
..... So I did.
I took a hobby and opened a retail store and we made it. Beat the odds (there is a bigger story here of trial, error, and time). I was free from having a boss (so I thought). I knew nothing about business or marketing, timing, yet I was a sponge to learn. 20-years later I sold to my employees and walked away with a successful exit and a chunk of change in the bank.
After Westchester College, moved to Maine with her family and became a homesteader. Then took a position in sales that required her to learn her new area in Maine on the coast. Eventually purchased a bankrupt company and turned it into a very successful business. Lori also sold her interests after 20 years and we both said……
-- Now what ?? --
Kids were gone pursuing their dreams. So we sold our home in Maine. Sold our boat and everything attached to this. Our boating season was over....and I was OK with that....25 years + on my own sailing oceans and 35+ years with my mom and dad on the family 60’ powerboat. "To everything, here is a season."
A new adventure season, I thought, and moved to Arizona. Something my bride said about "living where water doesn't freeze."
We dove into Real Estate so we could work from home, yet the franchise provided professional office space for clients and tons of training. One must always be willing to educate oneself and learn and we were a sponge to learn all we could (there is a pattern here).
I took on the online and local marketing. My bride did meetups with locals that were from Maine ... a natural connection. We did well. Teamwork.
Then my girl got sick.... REAL SICK !!
Lori needed a liver transplant ASAP. Moved to Florida and Mayo Clinic. Transplant successful in 2018. Next year, cancer tumor on the new liver. Transplant resection to remove tumor from the new liver was successful, 2019. Lori recovered both times and is now going to the gym with me 3 x a week. God Is So Good !!
While still in Arizona, seemingly out-of-the-blue, God gave me a revelation, His Vision (I mean it was like an actual 10-minute download that seemed like hours), a calling that I would be granted my former dream, yet instead of just fun, it would be for His glory and the Kingdom. The actual words in the encounter I heard were these:
1. I AM going to give you your dream
2. You will respect your brother, Joseph.
3. You will help build My Kingdom.
4. You will do this for the Glory of My Father, your Father, YAHWEH!
Let me backup a bit... ..............actually way back.
My brother, Joe
Why Hope Of Joe?
Joe and I are 2-years apart. He is the younger one. We were inseparable since we were toddlers. Did everything together. Experienced most everything together.
As adults in our late 20s early 30s, we both took risks, gave up good paying jobs, and started our own businesses in separate towns in the State of Maine. We were successful and with hard work, grew them and we were both able to get boats on the ocean, Joe a 37’ power boat and me a 36’ sailboat. I believe out of 6-kids, we were the only 2 to love ocean boating. Got it from our dad as we had a 60 foot power boat for a family of 8 growing up. I was doing my 4-hour watch at 9-years old. My dad educated me in all the navigation he had prepared/studied through the Power Squadron Training System.
Joe and I cruised weekends everywhere together (sometimes separately as I was able to take a month off every summer and Joe’s business was high-season in summer). Lori is/was First Mate for the 10-years we cruised together, learned very quickly, and took the helm many times. A real team player (another lesson here).
As Joe and I grew older and were getting a bit burned out with retail, especially as the US economy had changed, we talked endlessly of moving aboard passage-makers and cruising the world … or at least part of it. This was THE DREAM.
Seems to be the BIG THING today....but it wasn't then!
Joe got sick with something the doctors could not figure out . He kept getting weaker and weaker, finally a diagnosis … ALS. Lou Gehrig Disease.
I flew from Arizona to Maine twice for him that year. Once to make sure he had all his affairs in order for his family and business transition and that he was right with God.
My second flight was to be the leader at his funeral. That was a few years ago now, and Joe, who was the biggest giver I know, would never realize his part of our dream. This hurts even still to go over this story that I don’t share with everyone.
In 2014, God said to me clearly, yet ever so slightly and stronger ever since that it would be I that would carry on Joe and my dream of passage making beginning in 2024, or so…….yet with a twist.
Rather than just take off and have a good time, like so many today, we would be leading small mission excursions of sharing the Gospel of Jesus. Health, sanitation, clean water-making and humanitarian aid, all for God’s Glory. We will be going to already established missions of churches (initially) in the Baja Mexico, Eastern Central and South America, the Caribbean, the first year, and then beyond. This is the learning phase. The target are the archipelagos of The South Pacific following the blueprint of the Apostle Paul. Feel free to ask about the Apostle Paul’s blueprint here.
This will be for the Glory of God. We will be taking the Gospel of Jesus, medical assistance, sanitation, nutrition, clean water making, and bibles, to underserved people groups of the USA coastal areas first for sea trials, equipment and crew orientation to get familiar with a boat and then the missions and then the South Pacific…...or however that unfolds. It is God's Vision and His will.
I mean I was not looking to fulfill this dream of long ago. I had sold our boat in 2000, and moved to Arizona in 2004. I was as far away from the ocean as I could get. I had considered boating a wonderful season in my life, and now enjoying our resort backyard, new friends, new church, amazing landscaping ideas, and a new Real Estate career. Then B.O.O.M., September 2014!!! And God said…….
Since then, doors have been opened to logistics and resources deployment (a gal I met on Instagram that lives in Dubai and does logistics for a living). More people I don’t know. A man from Wisconsin who just invented a sanitation device that is now FDA approved and works on 30 wats of solar and provides clean water....who approached me as I have never been to nor know anyone in Wisconsin … until then. He connected with me on LinkedIn.
A woman in the Philippines who is praying for me to have success in this mission, and she needs this kind of help for her mission there, knows the languages of the area and did not even know this story....until now. She found me on Facebook. And a company that makes a water making device that uses no electricity and will make 1-million gallons of clean, fresh water we heard about from Christian Radio … will last a family a lifetime. And a few others, with new connections happening regularly. Social networks can be something much more than just fun or politics.
We have done all the leg-work for these 10-years up till now. We have followed the call, sold all we own, moved to Florida, the launching -off point, said good bye to our church family, friends of 14-years and sold our home in Arizona and paid all the expenses over 10-years.
Now we need some investment assistance for the next stage. The ROI on this investment will be laying up treasures in heaven as we all help the underserved. Of course, there may be tax advantages (check with your CPA or accountant on how this may be organized).
There will be some perks from us. The project is called HOPE OF J0E The boat will be called MESENGERS as it will be our home/office base for 8-10 years as we carry out this calling. Yes, we will be living on the boat for a long time. This will be a “let’s go build God’s Kingdom …… the Great Commission.
We have been obedient for 10-years researching, creating graphics, logos, building and editing websites, hosting websites, building a vendor/supplier list and contacting them, previewing boats, educating ourselves to locations of possible mission work, including customs, immigration, where to get fuel, food, etc. It is time for the next step. Nothing more happens without the tools……..and the main tools are the boat and the team.
We have selected several previously owned boat choices. We will need to upgrade outfitting for the mission. We need to procure the supplies/fuel. Perhaps we will need crew. We estimate the first year at $5 M. The next 5-years of this mission will be about $5 Million ($1M each year, $2M would be better), with $3-5 M after that. We will give away most of the funds in service, and supplies, not cash. The estimate for the $5 million initial funding, will see the largest portion being for boat purchase, crew, logistics, fees, registration, documentation, fuel, sea trials, etc. The remaining funds will be an 80/20.......80% for the mission work and the remainder for service/supplies, refuel, salaries, etc.
Any amount of help will be appreciated. And for those that do invest in this mission, they will be invited to land-based meetups or events, or one day aboard gatherings as our guests, however that unfolds. It is always in God's hands. We can use your help and we believe you will get tax ramifications. Check with your CPA or accountant for how this is organized.
For those who will invest $100,000, you will earn 1, 10-day vacation of a lifetime aboard (for you and a guest) wherever she (the boat) happens to be. Once you arrive, your stay will be all inclusive. Details will be arranged prior to your arrival. You will have this 10-day vacation available for 2-years. Yes, for $100,000, you will get1, 10-day vacation of a lifetime for you and a guest. Of course, when in or close to the USA, all sponsors will also be invited to land-based meetups or one day aboard gatherings and events as our guest.
For those who will invest $250,000 or more, we will increase the reward. Yes, for $250,000 plus, you will get 2, 10-day vacations of a lifetime for you and a guest wherever we happen to be. And, we will do our best to cover the getting there and returning as well as all-inclusive while aboard. You will have 3-years to use these vacations. If you are able and willing to support at the $500,000 space, we will have a conversation on how to best thank you.
These vacations, called “Luxury Crewed Vacations”, aboard a 60' + catamaran/monohull are very special thank-you. You and a special guest of your choosing will be the only ones aboard other than the captain and some crew to take care of you. It will be a very special time. Truly, vacation of a lifetime.
We will be so very appreciative of your sponsorship of this mission for Christ.
Thank you for reading this tome. This About Us and Why. Currently I am following these mantras. Every day I say to myself, “Who am I to decide what the Lord can do?”
“God did not wake me up to be mediocre.” and, “We dd not come this far to only come this far and give up”
THANK YOU, and…………………...
-- Welcome aboard –
[email protected] | 904.250.0877
Richard Chassé
USCG Master 100 Ton Captain, Power and Sail
*CAPTAIN The Messengers
Lori Chassé Instructor/Liaison, an amazing way with people
*FIRST MATE The Messengers, Business woman Extraordinaire |
Will you to help ?? Any amount will make a significant difference. Thank you.
For quick support: Thank You GiveSendGo PayPal
This will be a:
'let's go save souls for Christ !!
For more information, contact us here
Why Hope Of Joe?
Joe and I are 2-years apart. He is the younger one. We were inseparable since we were toddlers. Did everything together. Experienced most everything together.
As adults in our late 20s early 30s, we both took risks, gave up good paying jobs, and started our own businesses in separate towns in the State of Maine. We were successful and with hard work, grew them and we were both able to get boats on the ocean, Joe a 37’ power boat and me a 36’ sailboat. I believe out of 6-kids, we were the only 2 to love ocean boating. Got it from our dad as we had a 60 foot power boat for a family of 8 growing up. I was doing my 4-hour watch at 9-years old. My dad educated me in all the navigation he had prepared/studied through the Power Squadron Training System.
Joe and I cruised weekends everywhere together (sometimes separately as I was able to take a month off every summer and Joe’s business was high-season in summer). Lori is/was First Mate for the 10-years we cruised together, learned very quickly, and took the helm many times. A real team player (another lesson here).
As Joe and I grew older and were getting a bit burned out with retail, especially as the US economy had changed, we talked endlessly of moving aboard passage-makers and cruising the world … or at least part of it. This was THE DREAM.
Seems to be the BIG THING today....but it wasn't then!
Joe got sick with something the doctors could not figure out . He kept getting weaker and weaker, finally a diagnosis … ALS. Lou Gehrig Disease.
I flew from Arizona to Maine twice for him that year. Once to make sure he had all his affairs in order for his family and business transition and that he was right with God.
My second flight was to be the leader at his funeral. That was a few years ago now, and Joe, who was the biggest giver I know, would never realize his part of our dream. This hurts even still to go over this story that I don’t share with everyone.
In 2014, God said to me clearly, yet ever so slightly and stronger ever since that it would be I that would carry on Joe and my dream of passage making beginning in 2024, or so…….yet with a twist.
Rather than just take off and have a good time, like so many today, we would be leading small mission excursions of sharing the Gospel of Jesus. Health, sanitation, clean water-making and humanitarian aid, all for God’s Glory. We will be going to already established missions of churches (initially) in the Baja Mexico, Eastern Central and South America, the Caribbean, the first year, and then beyond. This is the learning phase. The target are the archipelagos of The South Pacific following the blueprint of the Apostle Paul. Feel free to ask about the Apostle Paul’s blueprint here.
This will be for the Glory of God. We will be taking the Gospel of Jesus, medical assistance, sanitation, nutrition, clean water making, and bibles, to underserved people groups of the USA coastal areas first for sea trials, equipment and crew orientation to get familiar with a boat and then the missions and then the South Pacific…...or however that unfolds. It is God's Vision and His will.
I mean I was not looking to fulfill this dream of long ago. I had sold our boat in 2000, and moved to Arizona in 2004. I was as far away from the ocean as I could get. I had considered boating a wonderful season in my life, and now enjoying our resort backyard, new friends, new church, amazing landscaping ideas, and a new Real Estate career. Then B.O.O.M., September 2014!!! And God said…….
Since then, doors have been opened to logistics and resources deployment (a gal I met on Instagram that lives in Dubai and does logistics for a living). More people I don’t know. A man from Wisconsin who just invented a sanitation device that is now FDA approved and works on 30 wats of solar and provides clean water....who approached me as I have never been to nor know anyone in Wisconsin … until then. He connected with me on LinkedIn.
A woman in the Philippines who is praying for me to have success in this mission, and she needs this kind of help for her mission there, knows the languages of the area and did not even know this story....until now. She found me on Facebook. And a company that makes a water making device that uses no electricity and will make 1-million gallons of clean, fresh water we heard about from Christian Radio … will last a family a lifetime. And a few others, with new connections happening regularly. Social networks can be something much more than just fun or politics.
We have done all the leg-work for these 10-years up till now. We have followed the call, sold all we own, moved to Florida, the launching -off point, said good bye to our church family, friends of 14-years and sold our home in Arizona and paid all the expenses over 10-years.
Now we need some investment assistance for the next stage. The ROI on this investment will be laying up treasures in heaven as we all help the underserved. Of course, there may be tax advantages (check with your CPA or accountant on how this may be organized).
There will be some perks from us. The project is called HOPE OF J0E The boat will be called MESENGERS as it will be our home/office base for 8-10 years as we carry out this calling. Yes, we will be living on the boat for a long time. This will be a “let’s go build God’s Kingdom …… the Great Commission.
We have been obedient for 10-years researching, creating graphics, logos, building and editing websites, hosting websites, building a vendor/supplier list and contacting them, previewing boats, educating ourselves to locations of possible mission work, including customs, immigration, where to get fuel, food, etc. It is time for the next step. Nothing more happens without the tools……..and the main tools are the boat and the team.
We have selected several previously owned boat choices. We will need to upgrade outfitting for the mission. We need to procure the supplies/fuel. Perhaps we will need crew. We estimate the first year at $5 M. The next 5-years of this mission will be about $5 Million ($1M each year, $2M would be better), with $3-5 M after that. We will give away most of the funds in service, and supplies, not cash. The estimate for the $5 million initial funding, will see the largest portion being for boat purchase, crew, logistics, fees, registration, documentation, fuel, sea trials, etc. The remaining funds will be an 80/20.......80% for the mission work and the remainder for service/supplies, refuel, salaries, etc.
Any amount of help will be appreciated. And for those that do invest in this mission, they will be invited to land-based meetups or events, or one day aboard gatherings as our guests, however that unfolds. It is always in God's hands. We can use your help and we believe you will get tax ramifications. Check with your CPA or accountant for how this is organized.
For those who will invest $100,000, you will earn 1, 10-day vacation of a lifetime aboard (for you and a guest) wherever she (the boat) happens to be. Once you arrive, your stay will be all inclusive. Details will be arranged prior to your arrival. You will have this 10-day vacation available for 2-years. Yes, for $100,000, you will get1, 10-day vacation of a lifetime for you and a guest. Of course, when in or close to the USA, all sponsors will also be invited to land-based meetups or one day aboard gatherings and events as our guest.
For those who will invest $250,000 or more, we will increase the reward. Yes, for $250,000 plus, you will get 2, 10-day vacations of a lifetime for you and a guest wherever we happen to be. And, we will do our best to cover the getting there and returning as well as all-inclusive while aboard. You will have 3-years to use these vacations. If you are able and willing to support at the $500,000 space, we will have a conversation on how to best thank you.
These vacations, called “Luxury Crewed Vacations”, aboard a 60' + catamaran/monohull are very special thank-you. You and a special guest of your choosing will be the only ones aboard other than the captain and some crew to take care of you. It will be a very special time. Truly, vacation of a lifetime.
We will be so very appreciative of your sponsorship of this mission for Christ.
Thank you for reading this tome. This About Us and Why. Currently I am following these mantras. Every day I say to myself, “Who am I to decide what the Lord can do?”
“God did not wake me up to be mediocre.” and, “We dd not come this far to only come this far and give up”
THANK YOU, and…………………...
-- Welcome aboard –
[email protected] | 904.250.0877
Richard Chassé
USCG Master 100 Ton Captain, Power and Sail
*CAPTAIN The Messengers
Lori Chassé Instructor/Liaison, an amazing way with people
*FIRST MATE The Messengers, Business woman Extraordinaire |
Will you to help ?? Any amount will make a significant difference. Thank you.
For quick support: Thank You GiveSendGo PayPal
This will be a:
'let's go save souls for Christ !!
For more information, contact us here